Publications List
Duncan Raistrick and Gillian Tober
If you are unable to get hold of any of our publications we are happy to send you a copy for private use. Please email your request to
Truby P, Hewitt C, Raistrick D, Tober G & Watson J (2023) Measuring Recovery: The Addiction Recovery Questionnaire (ARQ), Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly
Gaume J, Heather N, Tober G, Studer J, Bedendo A, Raistrick D and McCambridge J. (2022) Serial mediation analysis of treatment-specific processes in two contrasting alcohol treatments. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (online)
Raistrick D and Tober G (2021) Alcohol use disorders: Clinical Features and Treatment in Ed Day (Ed) Seminars in Addiction Psychiatry. (United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press) pp128-146
Alderson H, Brown R, Copello A, Kaner E, Tober G, Lingam R and McGovern R (2019) The key therapeutic factors needed to deliver behavioural change interventions to decrease risky substance use (drug and alcohol) for looked after children and care leavers: a qualitative exploration with young people, carers and front line workers. BMC Medical Research Methodology 19, 38
Drage L, Masterson C, Tober G, Farragher T and Bewick B (2019) The Impact of Therapists’ Responses to Resistance to Change: A Sequential Analysis of Therapist Client Interactions in Motivational Interviewing. Alcohol and Alcoholism early online doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agz003
Oluyase AO, Raistrick D, Hughes E and Lloyd C (2019) The appropriateness of psychotropic medicines: an interview study of service users attending a substance misuse service in England. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 41: 972–980
Brown M, Masterson C, Latchford G & Tober G (2018) Therapist-Client Interactions in Motivational Interviewing: The Effect of Therapists' Utterances on Client Change Talk. Alcohol and Alcoholism 53: 408-411 doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agy027
Gaume J, Heather N, Tober G & McCambridge J (2018) A mediation analysis of treatment processes in the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 86: 321-329 doi: 10.1037/ccp0000287
Dale V, Heather N, Adamson S, Coulton S, Copello A, Godfrey C, Hodgson R, Orford J, Raistrick D, Tober G on behalf of the UKATT research Team (2017) Predicting drinking outcomes: evidence from the United Kingdom Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT). Addictive Behaviors 71: 61-67 doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.02.023
Raistrick D (2017) Commentary | Are UK opioid substitution treatment agencies fit for purpose? Addiction 112: 1340-1342 doi: 10.1111/add.13737
Oluyase AO, Raistrick D, Hughes E & Lloyd C (2017) Prescribers’ views and experiences of assessing the appropriateness of prescribed medication in a specialist addiction service. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 39: 1248-1255 doi: 10.1007/s11096-017-0541-4
Fitzgerald N, Angus K, Elders A, de Andrade M, Raistrick D, Heather H & McCambridge J (2016) Weak evidence on nalmefene creates dilemmas for clinicians and poses questions for regulators and researchers. Addiction, 111:1477-1487 doi: 10.1111/add.13438
Jones S, Latchford GJ & Tober G (2016) Client experiences of motivational interviewing: an interpersonal process recall study. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 89:97-114 doi: 10.1111/papt.12061
Cook S, Heather N & McCambridge J on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2016) The role of the working alliance in the treatment of alcohol problems. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 29: 371-381 doi: 10.1037/adb0000058
Watson JM, Fairhurst C, Li J, Tober G, Crosby H, Lloyd C, Godfrey C, Mdege ND, Dale V, Toner P, Steve Parrott S, Raistrick DS on behalf of the ARiAS Research Group (2015) ADAPTA: A pilot randomised controlled trial of an alcohol-focused intervention versus a healthy living intervention for problem drinkers identified in a general hospital setting. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 154:117-124 doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.06.030
Iveson-Brown K & Raistrick D (2015) A Brief Addiction Recovery Questionnaire derived from the views of service users and concerned others. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy 23: 41-47 doi: 10.3109/09687637.2015.1087968
Nazari J & Raistrick D (2014) Effectiveness of a nurse led hospital in-reach team and assertive follow-up of frequent attenders with alcohol misuse complications – a retrospective mirror image evaluation. Drugs and Alcohol Today 14: 187-194 doi: 10.1108/DAT-07-2014-0030
Fairhurst CM, Böhnke JR, Gabe R, Croudace TJ, Tober G & Raistrick D (2014) Factor analysis of treatment outcomes from a UK specialist addiction service: relationship between the Leeds Dependence Questionnaire, Social Satisfaction Questionnaire and CORE-10. Drug and Alcohol Review 33: 643-650 doi: 10.1111/dar.12146
Bewick BM, Rumball K, Birtwistle JC, Shaw JR, Johnson O, Raistrick D & Tober G (2014) Developing a web-based intervention to increase motivation to change and encourage uptake of specialist face-to-face treatment by hospital inpatients: Change Drinking. Drug and Alcohol Review 33: 674-677 doi: 10.1111/dar.12174
Thurgood S, Crosby HF, Raistrick D, & Tober G (2014) Service user, family and friends’ views on the meaning of a ‘good outcome’ of treatment for an addiction problem. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 21: 324-332 doi: 10.3109/09687637.2014.899987
Raistrick D, Tober G, Sweetman J, Unsworth S, Crosby H, & Evans T (2014). Measuring clinically significant outcomes – LDQ, CORE-10, and SSQ as dimension measures of addiction. The Psychiatrist 38: 112-115 doi: 10.1192/pb.bp.112.041301
Raistrick D, Tober G, & Unsworth SL (2014) Attitudes of healthcare professionals in a general hospital to patients with substance misuse disorders. Journal of Substance Use 20: 56-60 doi: 10.3109/14659891.2013.878763
Mdege N, Raistrick D & Johnson G (2014) Medical specialists’ views on the impact of reducing alcohol consumption on prognosis of, and risk of, hospital admission due to specific medical conditions: results from a Delphi survey. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20: 100-110 doi: 10.1111/jep.12092
Tober G, Raistrick D, Crosby HF, Sweetman J, Unsworth S, Suna L, & Copello A (2013) Co-producing addiction aftercare. Drugs and Alcohol Today 13: 225-233 doi: 10.1108/DAT-05-2013-0024
Watson JM, Crosby H, Dale VM, Tober G, Wu Q, Lang J, McGovern R, Newbury-Birch D, Parrott S, Bland JM, Drummond C, Godfrey C, Kaner E & Coulton S on behalf of the AESOPS Trial Team (2013) AESOPS: a randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of opportunistic screening and stepped care interventions for older hazardous alcohol users in primary care. Health Technology Assessment 17 No25: 1-176 doi: 10.3310/hta17250
Watson JM, Tober G, Raistrick D, Mdege N, Dale V, Crosby H, Godfrey C, Lloyd C, Toner P, Parrott S on behalf of the ARiAS Research Group, NIHR CLAHRC for Leeds, York and Bradford (2013) An alcohol-focused intervention versus a healthy living intervention for problem drinkers identified in a general hospital setting (ADAPTA): study protocol for a randomized, controlled pilot trial. Trials 14: 117
Oluyase AO, Raistrick D, Abbasi Y, Dale V & Lloyd C (2013) A study of the psychotropic prescriptions of people attending an addiction service in England. Advances in Dual Diagnosis 6: 54-65 doi: 10.1108/ADD-03-2013-0005
Sweetman J, Raistrick D, Mdege N & Crosby H (2013) A systematic review of substance misuse assessment packages. Drug and Alcohol Review 32: 347-355 doi: 10.1111/dar.12039
Heather N & McCambridge J on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2013) Post-treatment stage of change predicts 12-month outcome of treatment for alcohol problems. Alcohol and Alcoholism 48: 329-336 doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agt006
Raistrick D (2013) Commentary | Too many rating scales: not enough validation. Addiction 1: 11-12 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2012.03967.x
Rumball K, & Tober G (2013) Modification of a traditional motivational interviewing-based brief intervention training for hospital staff: the approach and refer method. Drugs: education, prevention and policy. 20: 417-424 doi: 10.3109/09687637.2013.787527
Lingford-Hughes AR, Welch S, Peters L & Nutt, DJ with expert reviewers (in alphabetical order): Ball D, Buntwal N, Chick J, Crome I, Daly C, Dar K, Day E, Duka T, Finch E, Law F, Marshall EJ, Munafo M, Myles J, Porter S, Raistrick D, Reed LJ, Reid A, Sell L, Sinclair J, Tyrer P, West R, Williams T, Winstock A (2012) BAP updated guidelines: evidence-based guidelines for the pharmacological management of substance abuse, harmful use, addiction and comorbidity: recommendations from BAP. Journal of Psychopharmacology 26: 899-952 doi: 10.1177/0269881112444324
Michie S, Whittington C, Hamoudi Z, Zarnani F, Tober G & West R (2012) Identification of behaviour change techniques to reduce excessive alcohol consumption. Addiction 107: 1431-1440 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2012.03845.x.
Rana A, Luthra V, Wazir MNK, Yadav R & Raistrick D (2012) Audit of alcohol detoxification at Leeds Addiction Unit. Drugs and Alcohol Today 12: 45-51 doi: 10.1108/17459261211211700
Dale V, Coulton S, Godfrey C, Copello A, Hodgson R, Heather N, Orford J, Raistrick D, Slegg G & Tober G on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2011) Exploring Treatment Attendance and its Relationship to Outcome in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Secondary Analysis of the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT). Alcohol and Alcoholism 46: 592-599 doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agr079
Raistrick D (2011) Implementing the Evidence Base, in H Ghodse, H Herrman, M Maj and N Sartorius (Eds) Substance Use Disorders: Evidence and Experience. (Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell) pp179-183
Tober G (2010) Commentary | Evidence for matching – at last. Addiction 105: 1414-1415 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2010.03026.x
Heather N, Adamson SJ, Raistrick D & Slegg G on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2010) Initial Preference for Drinking Goal in the Treatment of Alcohol Problems: I. Baseline Differences Between Abstinence and Non-Abstinence Groups. Alcohol and Alcoholism 45: 128-135 doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agp096
Adamson SJ, Heather N, Morton V & Raistrick D on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2010) Initial Preference for Drinking Goal in the Treatment of Alcohol Problems: II. Treatment Outcomes. Alcohol and Alcoholism 45: 136-142 doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agq005
Raistrick D, Tober G, Godfrey C & Parrott S (2010) Treatment as Usual, in S MacGregor (Ed) Responding to Drug Misuse: Research and Policy Priorities in Health and Social Care. (London, Routledge) pp40-52
Heather N, Hönekopp J & Smailes,D on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2009) Progressive stage transition does mean getting better: a further test of the Transtheoretical Model in recovery from alcohol problems. Addiction 104: 949-958 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02578.x
Orford J on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2009) To what factors do clients attribute change? content analysis of follow-up interviews with clients of the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 36: 49-58 doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2008.04.005
Copello A, Orford J, Hodgson R & Tober G (2009) Social Behaviour and Network Therapy for Alcohol Problems. (London, Routledge)
Orford J, Hodgson R, Copello A, Krishnan M, de Madriaga M & Coulton S on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2009) What was useful about that session? Clients’ and therapists’ comments after sessions in the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT). Alcohol and Alcoholism 44: 306-313 doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agn112
Tober G, Clyne W, Finnegan O, Farrin A & Russell I in collaboration with the UKATT Research Team (2008) Validation of a scale for rating the delivery of psycho-social treatments for alcohol dependence and misuse: the UKATT Process Rating Scale (PRS). Alcohol and Alcoholism 43: 675-682 doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agn064
Coulton S, Watson J, Bland M. Drummond C. Kaner E, Godfrey C, Hassey A, Morton V, Parrott S, Phillips T, Raistrick D, Rumball D.& Tober G (2008) The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of opportunistic screening and stepped care interventions for older hazardous alcohol users in primary care (AESOPS) – a randomised control trial protocol. BMC Health Services Research 8: 129 doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-8-129
UKATT Research Team (2008) UK Alcohol Treatment Trial: client-treatment matching effects. Addiction 2: 228-238 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2007.02060.x
Raistrick D, Russell D, Tober G & Tindale A (2007) A survey of substance use by Health Care Professionals and their attitudes to substance misuse patients. Journal of Substance Use 13: 57-69 doi: 10.1080/14659890701237082
Raistrick D (2007) Management of Comorbidity, in S B Karch (Ed) Addiction and the Medical Complications of Drug Abuse. (Boca Raton, CRC Press)
Raistrick D (2007) The Principles of Addiction medicine, in S B Karch (Ed) Addiction and the Medical Complications of Drug Abuse. (Boca Raton, CRC Press)
Raistrick D, Tober G, Heather N & Clark J (2007) Validation of the Social Satisfaction Questionnaire for outcome evaluation in substance use disorders. Psychiatric Bulletin 31: 333-336 doi: 10.1192/pb.bp.106.014258
Raistrick D (2007) Management of alcohol detoxification, in E Day (Ed) Clinical topics in addiction. (London, RCPsych Publications)
Tober G and Raistrick D (2007) Psychosocial interventions. Psychiatry 6: 1-4
Tober G (2007) Psychosocial interventions for young people with substance misuse disorders, in E. Gilvarry and P. McArdle (Eds) Alcohol, Drugs and Young People. (McKeith Press)
Tober G & Raistrick D (Eds) (2007) Motivational Dialogue: preparing addiction professionals for motivational interviewing practice. (London, Routledge)
Raistrick D, Heather N & Godfrey C (2006) Review of the effectiveness of treatment for alcohol problems. (London, National Treatment Agency)
Orford J, Kerr C, Copello A, Hodgson R, Alwyn T, Black R, Smith M, Thistlethwaite G, Westwood A and Slegg G on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2006) Why people enter treatment for alcohol problems: findings from UKATT pre-treatment interviews. Journal of Substance Use 11: 161-171 doi: 10.1080/14659890500246540
Orford J, Hodgson R, Copello A, John B, Smith M, Black R, Fryer K, Handforth L. Alwyn T. Kerr C, Thistlethwaite G & Slegg G on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2006) The clients’ perspective on change during treatment for an alcohol problem: qualitative analysis on follow-up interviews in the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial. Addiction 101: 60-68 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2005.01291.x
Farrell M & Raistrick D (2005) The coming of age of oral methadone maintenance treatment in the UK in the 1990s, in J Strang and M Gossop (Eds) Heroin Addiction and the British System Volume 2: Treatment and Policy Responses. (Routledge, London) pp105-120
Wolff K, Boys A, Rostami-Hodjegan A, Hay A & Raistrick D (2005) Changes to methadone clearance during pregnancy. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 61: 763-768 doi: 10.1007/s00228-005-0035-5
Raistrick D, West D, Finnegan O, Thistlethwaite G, Brearley R & Banbery J (2005) A comparison of buprenorphine and lofexidine for community opiate detoxification: results from a randomized controlled trial. Addiction 100: 1860-1867 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2005.01273.x
Raistrick D (2005) Feature | The United Kingdom: alcohol today. Addiction 100: 1212-1214 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2005.01206.x
UKATT Research Team (2005) Effectiveness of treatment for alcohol problems: findings of the randomised UK alcohol treatment trial (UKATT). British Medical Journal 331: 541-544 doi: 10.1136/bmj.331.7516.541
UKATT Research Team (2005) Cost effectiveness of treatment for alcohol problems: findings of the randomised UK alcohol treatment trial (UKATT). British Medical Journal 331: 544 – 548 doi: 10.1136/bmj.331.7516.544
Tober G, Godfrey C, Parrott S, Copello A, Farrin A, Hodgson R, Kenyon R, Morton V, Orford J, Russell I & Slegg G on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2005) Setting Standards for Training and Competence: The UK Alcohol Treatment Trial. Alcohol and Alcoholism 40: 413-418 doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agh181
Tober G (2004) Feature | The Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA). Addiction 99: 677-685 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2004.00729.x
Strang J and Raistrick D (2004) Alcohol and Drugs Policy: why the clinician is important to public policy. Psychiatry 3: 65-67
Raistrick D and Tober G (2004) Psychosocial Interventions. Psychiatry 3: 36-39
Raistrick D (2004) Alcohol withdrawal and detoxification, in N Heather and T Stockwell (Eds) The Essential Handbook of Treatment and Prevention of Alcohol Problems (Chicester, Wiley)
Tober G & Strang J (Eds) (2003) Methadone Matters (London, Martin Dunitz)
Strang J & Tober G (2003) Methadone: panacea or poison? in G Tober & J Strang (Eds) Methadone Matters (London, Martin Dunitz) pp3-12
Raistrick D (2003) Linking psychology and pharmacology, in G Tober & J Strang (Eds) Methadone Matters (London, Martin Dunitz) pp45-53
Tober G (2003) Dependence on methadone: the danger lurking behind the prescription, in G Tober & J Strang (Eds) Methadone Matters (London, Martin Dunitz) pp131-140
Tober G & Strang J (2003) Methadone: achieving the balance, in G Tober & J Strang (Eds) Methadone Matters (London, Martin Dunitz) pp285-291
Raistrick D & Tober G (2003) How Good is Treatment ? (London, Alcohol Concern)
Raistrick D & Tober G (2003) Much more than outcomes. Drug and Alcohol Findings 8: 27-29
Tober G & Somerton J (2002) The search for evidence-based addiction practice in the United Kingdom. Journal of Social Work Practice in Addictions 2: 3-13 doi: 10.1111/add.13438
Raistrick D & Tober G (2002) Specialist Alcohol Interventions, in Alcohol Concern 100% Proof: Research for Action Alcohol (London, Alcohol Concern) pp94-95
Tober G & Raistrick D (2002) Organisation of services - putting it all together, in Peterson T & McBride A (Eds) Working with Substance Misusers: a guide to theory and practice (London, Routledge) pp244-253
Copello A, Orford J, Hodgson R, Tober G & Barrett C (2002) Social Behaviour and Network Therapy: Basic principles and early experiences. Addictive Behaviors 27: 345-366 doi:
Tober G (2002) Evidence based practice - still a bridge too far for addiction counsellors? Drugs: education, prevention and policy 9: 7-9
Seeling C, Kin C, Metcalfe E, Tober G & Bates S (2001) Arrest Referral - a proactive multi-agency approach. Drugs: education, prevention and policy 8: 327-333
Heather N, Raistrick D, Tober G, Godfrey C & Parrott S (2001) Leeds Dependence Questionnaire: new data from a large sample of clinic attenders. Addiction Research 9: 253-269 doi: 10.3109/16066350109141753
Raistrick D (2001) Alcohol, other drugs and violence, in JP Shepherd (Ed) Violence in Healthcare, understanding, preventing and surviving violence: a practical guide for health professionals (2nd Edition) (Oxford, Open University Press)
Raistrick D (2001) A national alcohol strategy for England. Psychiatric Bulletin 25: 201-203 doi: 10.1192/pb.25.6.201
Kenyon RH, West D, Raistrick DS & Hatton P (2001) General Practitioner satisfaction with “Shared Care” working. Journal of Substance Use 6: 36-39
Raistrick D (2001) Alcohol withdrawal and detoxification in, N Heather, TJ Peters and T Stockwell (Eds) International Handbook of Alcohol Dependence and Problems (Chicester, Wiley)
UKATT Research Team (2001) United Kingdom Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT): Hypotheses, Design and Methods. Alcohol and Alcoholism 36: 11-21 doi: 10.1093/alcalc/36.1.11
Kirk G, Raistrick D and Trigwell P (2001) Letter | Driving and substance misuse. Psychiatric Bulletin 25: 452
Wolff K, Rostami-Hodjegan A, Hay A, Raistrick D &Tucker G (2000) Population-based pharmacokinetic approach for methadone monitoring of opiate addicts: potential clinical utility. Addiction 95: 1771-1783
Banbery J, Wolff K & Raistrick D (2000) Dihydrocodeine - a useful tool in the detoxification of methadone-maintained patients. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 19: 301-305 doi: 10.1016/s0740-5472(00)00093-3
Raistrick D (2000) The Management of Alcohol Detoxification. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 6: 348-355 doi: 10.1192/apt.6.5.348
Gordon D, Banbery J & Raistrick D (2000) Detoxification from heroin with buprenorphine. Psychiatric Bulletin, 24, 433 doi: 10.1192/pb.24.11.433-a
Tober G (2000) UKATT: UK Alcohol Treatment Trial, in R Carson-Dewitt (Ed) Encyclopaedia of Drugs, Alcohol and Addictive Behavior, 2nd edition (New York, Macmillan Reference USA) pp1269-1271
Tober G, Brearley R, Kenyon R, Raistrick D & Morley S (2000) Measuring Outcomes in a Health Service Addiction Clinic. Addiction Research 8: 169-182
doi: 10.3109/16066350009004418
Tober GW (2000) The nature and measurement of change in substance dependence. University of Leeds, PhD Thesis Read the PDF…
Rostami-Hodjegan A, Wolff K, Hay AWM, Raistrick DS, Calvert R and Tucker GT (1999) Population pharmacokinetics of methadone in opiate users: characterization of time-dependent changes. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 48: 43-52 doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2125.1999.00974.x
Franey C & Tober G (1999) Drug and Alcohol Education from a Distance: a good reason for collaboration. Drugs: education, prevention and policy 6: 265-273 doi: n10.1080/09687639997223
Raistrick D (1999) Management of alcohol misuse within the context of general psychiatry, in A Lee (Ed) Affective and Non-Psychotic Disorders: Recent Topics from Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (London, Gaskell)
Raistrick D, Hodgson R & Ritson B (Eds) (1999) Tackling Alcohol Together (London, Free Association Books)
Raistrick D (1999) Commentary | Advisory groups need to have bite. Addiction 94: 1304-1306
Tober G (1998) The application of learning theory to the understanding of addiction, remedial interventions and an effective counselling style, in K Cigno and D Bourn (Eds) Cognitive Behavioural Social Work in Practice (Aldershot, Ashgate)
Raistrick D (1998) The Principles of Addiction Medicine, in SB Karch (Editor in Chief) Drug Abuse Handbook (Boca Raton, CRC Press)
Raistrick D (1998) Management of Comorbidity, in SB Karch (Editor in Chief) Drug Abuse Handbook (Boca Raton, CRC Press)
Wolff K, Rostami-Hodjega A., Shires S, Hay A, Feely M, Raistrick D & Tucker GT (1997) The pharmacokinetics of methadone in healthy subjects and opiate users. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 44: 325-334 doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2125.1997.t01-1-00591.x
Raistrick D (1997) Editorial | Task force to review services for drug misusers. Psychiatric Bulletin 21: 595-596 doi: 10.1192/pb.21.10.595
Garretty DJ, Wolff K, Hay AW and Raistrick D (1997) Benzodiazepine misuse by drug addicts. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry: International Journal of Laboratory Medicine 34: 68-73 doi: 10.1177/000456329703400110
Raistrick D (1997) Substitute prescribing: social policy or individual treatment? (and why we must make the decision) Druglink 12: 16-17
Strang J, Clee WB, Gruer W and Raistrick D (1997) Editorial | Why Britain’s drug czar mustn’t wage war on drugs. Aim for pragmatism, not dogma. British Medical Journal 315: 325 doi: 10.1136/bmj.315.7104.325
Coyle D, Godfrey C, Hardman G & Raistrick D (1997) Costing substance misuse services. Addiction 92: 1007-1015 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1997.tb02980.x
Raistrick D, Hay AWM & Wolff K (1996) Lesson of the Week: Methadone maintenance and tuberculosis treatment. British Medical Journal 313: 925
doi: 10.1136/bmj.313.7062.925
Raistrick D (1996) Prescrivere Metadone: i punti focali in GP Guelfi (Ed) Metadone Le Ragioni per Luso (Italy, Pacini Editore)
Wolff K, Hay AWM, Vail A, Harrison K & Raistrick D (1996) Non-prescribed drug use during methadone treatment by clinic- and community-based patients. Addiction 91: 1699-1704
Wylie K, House A, Storer D, Raistrick D & Henderson M (1996) Deliberate Self-Harm and Substance Dependence: The Management of Patients Seen in the General Hospital. The Journal of Mental Health Administration 23: 246-252 doi: 10.1007/BF02519115
Raistrick D (1996) The Management of Alcohol Misuse Within the Context of General Psychiatry. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 2: 11-20 doi: 10.1192/apt.2.3.125
Raistrick D (1995) Commentary | Alcohol Policy and the Public Good: The Value of Independence. Addiction 90: 1452-1453 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1995.tb02806.x
Raistrick D (1994) Editorial | Report of Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs: AIDS and Drug Misuse Update. Addiction 89: 1211-1213 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1994.tb03299.x
Raistrick D (1994) Alcohol, Other Drugs and Violence, in JP Shepherd (Ed) Violence in Healthcare, a practical guide (Oxford, Open University Press) pp43-62
Raistrick D, Bradshaw J, Tober G, Weiner J, Allison,J & Healey C (1994) Development of the Leeds Dependence Questionnaire. Addiction 89: 563-572 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1994.tb03332.x
Tober G (1994) Drug taking in a Northern City. Accident and Emergency Nursing 2: 70-78 doi: 10.1016/0965-2302(94)90063-9
Wolff K, Hay AWM, Raistrick D & Feely M (1993) Use of `Very Low-Dose Phenobarbital' to Investigate Compliance in Patients on Reducing Doses of Methadone (Detoxification). Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 10: 453-458 doi: 10.1016/0740-5472(93)90006-N
Tober G (1993) A Strategy for Social Work Training, in L Harrison (Ed) Substance Misuse: Designing Social Work Training (London: Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work)
Wolff K, Hay AWM, Raistrick D & Calvert R (1993) Steady-state pharmacokinetics of methadone in opioid addicts. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 44: 189-194 doi: 10.1007/BF00315479
Tober G (1992) What is dependence and why is it important? Clinical Psychology Forum 41: 14-16
Wolff K, Hay AWM, & Raistrick D (1992) Plasma Methadone Measurements and Their Role in Methadone Detoxification Programs. Clinical Chemistry 38: 420-425
Raistrick D (1991) Career and natural history, in IB Glass (Ed) The International Handbook of Addiction Behaviour (London, Routledge)
Wolff K., Sanderson M, Hay A & Raistrick D (1991) Methadone concentrations in plasma and their relationship to drug dosage. Clinical Chemistry 37: 205-209
Wolff K, Hay AWM, Raistrick D, Calvert R & Feely M (1991) Measuring compliance in methadone maintenance patients: Use of a pharmacologic indicator to "estimate" methadone plasma levels. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 50: 199-207 doi: 10.1038/clpt.1991.125
Wolff K, Hay AWM & Raistrick D (1991) High-Dose Methadone and the Needs for Drug Measurement in Plasma. Clinical Chemistry 38: 1651-166
Tober G (1991) Motivational Interviewing with Young People in W Miller and S Rollnick (Eds) Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People to Change (New York, Guildford)
Raistrick D (1990) Helping those who want to change, in RJ Davidson, I McEwan and S Rollnick Counselling problem drinkers: A motivational approach to change (London, Routledge) pp58-72
Tober G (1990) Helping the pre-contemplator, in RJ Davidson, I McEwan and S Rollnick Counselling problem drinkers: A motivational approach to change (London, Routledge)
Tober G (1990) Measuring drug misuse: A little art, a little science and a lot of shoe leather, in I Hindmarch and PD Stonier (Eds) Human Psychopharmacology methods and measures, Vol III (Chichester, John Wiley and Sons)
Tober G & Raistrick D (1990) Development of a District Training Strategy. British Journal of Addiction 85: 1563-1570
Tober G (1989) Dealing with Alcohol at Work. The Safety and Health Practitioner 7: 11-13
Davidson RJ, Bunting B & Raistrick D (1989) The homogeneity of the alcohol dependence syndrome: a factorial analysis of the SADD questionnaire. British Journal of Addiction 84: 907-915 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1989.tb00763.x
Raistrick D (1989) Making treatment decisions. International Review of Psychiatry and the Addictions 1: 173-179 doi: 10.3109/09540268909110393
Tober G (1989) Changing conceptions of the nature of drug abuse, in G Bennett Treating Drug Abusers (Routledge, London) pp9-25
Raistrick D (1988) Editorial | Substance problems: the future of specialist services. British Journal of Addiction 83: 349-350 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1988.tb00480.x
Raistrick D (1988) Editorial | The "combined approach" - still an important debate. British Journal of Addiction 83: 867-869 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1988.tb01569.x
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Raistrick D (1987) Commentary | Abstinence is Best but Resumed 'Normal' Drinking Does Occur. British Journal of Addiction 82: 243-245 doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1987.tb01473.x
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