1. When you go to the What is Comorbidity page...

  • Understand the mechanisms of comorbidity

  • Understand the difference between mental illnesses and mental health disorders

2. When you go to the Comorbidity – dealing with anxiety and addiction page...

  • Familiarise yourself with the different manifestations of anxiety.

  • Consider the difference between anxiety that is induced by specific drugs and withdrawal symptoms. Read the Substance Induced Anxiety box. Consider the important implications of distinguishing these.

  • Read the This is What To Do About It section and watch the two videos.

3. When you go to the Comorbidity – dealing with depression and addiction page...

  • Familiarise yourself with recognising the severity of depression.

  • Consider the difference between depressed feelings that are induced by specific drugs, their after-effects and withdrawal symptoms and the important implications of distinguishing these.

  • Read the This is What To Do About It section..

4. Write down your thoughts on…

  • Your confidence to recognise these common mental health problems. Your use of clinical rating scales and when to refer people to more experienced or specialist practitioners.