1. When you go to the What is Comorbidity page...
Read the What is the treatment for comorbidity section.
Watch the video by Dr Rebecca Lee on providing comorbidity services.
Check out the Quadrant Model and see if it might inform your local services.
2. When you go to the Comorbidity – drug and alcohol induced mental illness page...
Read through the accounts of drug use causing psychosis, delirium, dementia and of alcohol use leading to vitamin deficiency, delirium and psychosis.
Watch Dr Jessica Bird’s video on how to manage psychosis.
3. When you go to the Comorbidity research page...
Make sure that you study all the epidemiology tables and that you understand the relationships between substance use and mental health disorders. Make sure you understand what an odds ratio means.
Watch the video by Professor Paul Fletcher about the nature of psychosis.
Take a look at the Stoffers-Winterling et al. study of outcomes for people with Emotionally Expressive Disorder.
4. Write down your thoughts on...
Your understanding of any ways of preventing serious mental illness and substance use. The most important learning points for your own practice.