1. Here is an exercise to get you started.

First impressions count. You are approaching a place from which you are seeking help…

  • What would make you feel welcome?

  • What would make you feel you had come to the right place?

  • What would make you feel that people in this place were concerned about you?

  • What would make you feel that the help you were seeking was going to be forthcoming?

Reflect on these questions and how you would ‘meet and greet’ in your own agency. Try out your plan and modify it until it feels comfortable and natural.

2. When you go to the Effective Places page...

  • Watch the video of Professor Fanny Duckert who talks about ways of working that create a positive service ethos. Pay attention to her points about the uniqueness of the individual, being mindful of gender differences, conditions for group and individual treatment, the importance of the first session in giving immediate help and hope, telling people what to expect, setting some ground rules and making a commitment by discussing what you will do in subsequent sessions.

  • Look down the checklist of what makes a good Team Player and see how well you match up.

3. One more thing…

  • Read this short extract on dealing with intoxicated behaviour.