2. When you go to the Practitioner Self-assessment and Appraisal page...

  • Have a go at completing the ‘How well do I work with my service user?’ questionnaire

  1. This questionnaire is a measure of your Working Alliance, which is an important indicator of how your intervention is going and how likely you are to achieve a good outcome

  2. Be aware that practitioners tend to over-estimate their Working Alliance scores; in real treatment situations you should also ask your service user to complete a Working Alliance questionnaire (go to the My Checkups menu for the service user version of the questionnaire) and then compare the results

1. When you go to the Effective People Research page...

  • Be sure to take in the classic study by Chafetz et al. which shows the importance of practitioners who are motivated to help people with addiction problems.

  • Equally important is the Luborsky et al. study which shows how variable practitioners are in their effectiveness.

  • You might be especially interested in the Laugharne et al. study about what service users want from their practitioners.

3. Write down your thoughts…

  • What do you think are the ‘must have’ characteristics of an effective practitioner? Is there anything you want to change about your own practice?